May 2020

May Blog Income Report

Welcome to my May 2020 Income Report.  Below I break out all of my income sources from the month as well as my expenses.

May 2020 Income

  • Adthrive Payment –$1,611
  • Etsy Sales – $544.96
  • Youtube – $127.22
  • Amazon Affiliate – $49.07
  • Sponsored Content – $0.00

Income Total: $2,332.25

May 2020 Expenses

  • G-Suite – $48.00
  • PicMonkey – $7.99
  • MiloTree – $9.00
  • Tailwind – $14.99
  • Media Temple (blog host) – $26.45
  • Supplies (yarn) – $0.00
  • Mailchimp – $189.00
  • Health/Dental/Vision Insurance – $325.18

Expense Total: $620.61

May 2020 Profit Total: $1,711.64

May 2020 In Review

  • Adthrive – Super happy with Adthrive ad revenue, but significantly down and relatively flat with April.  My earnings are in line with May 2019 earnings, but with my blog traffic being significantly up from May 2019, I would have expected higher ad revenue in a non-COVID world.  Due to COVID-19 everyone is seeing budget cuts right now, and the ad industry is no different!  Budgets seem to have been cut across the board, so ad revenue is way down.
  • Etsy Sales – Etsy sales are looking great and are still up this month, but down slightly from April.  Pattern sales increase is likely in relation to more people spending time online and looking for crafts to do at home during quarantine.
  • Youtube – 12,700 Youtube subscribers.
  • Amazon Affiliate – Amazon affiliate earnings are looking good this month.  This income really seems to vary, and not super dependable for me.
  • Sponsored Content – This will always vary – I had no sponsored projects this month.
  • Blog posts – I posted 1 blog post this month.  I temporarily went back to my desk job (to fill in for the person who replaced me when I left to blog full-time), so blogging bandwidth was running thin!
  • Final Thoughts – Considering I only posted 1 blog post this month (a crochet pattern) and still netted over $1,500 – I’ll take it!

Traffic Report

Below is a screenshot of my Google Analytics account summary from May.  My main blog traffic source is from Pinterest.

Google Analytics

May 2020 Income Report